It's been about three weeks since I first asked friends and family to consider donating money to my preventative oral care workshop fund. (You can read more about it here.)
Since then, thanks to the generosity of college roommates, former colleagues, high school classmates and even strangers, I've managed to raise about 25% of my $6,000 goal. Enough for nearly 500 learners to get all they need to keep their teeth clean and their gums healthy.
And so, I wanted to say thanks.
This project, which I am developing under the guidance of our regional dentist, would not be possible without your help and support. Those of you who have already donated should be finding a Thank You note in your mailbox soon. I tell you this now because Nam Post can, at times, be somewhat unreliable. (A special thanks to Amanda's parents who took a stack of envelopes on their recent trip from Namibia. This explains why some of you have a postmark from California.) Hopefully my messages will find you well.
For those of you who have not yet pledged your support but would like to, there's still time. Just send me an email (or post a comment here) to learn more about the two donor options.
Your support of me--and of the kids of Khroxias--really does mean the world. I'll keep everyone who made this project possible updated via my blog when the curriculum is launched in early September, so stay tuned.
^[]^ Gratis Nel lento esistere Pdf Epub
5 years ago
I would love to help out whichever way that I can. This sounds like a noble endeavor. I saw on your Wish List that you are seeking Girl Scouts Leader Manuals. As a Lifetime Girl Scout and current leader I definitely think I can help with this one. Can you contact me via email so that we can discuss how best to get any donations to you. Good Luck!!!
Way to go (as usual) Jilly!!!
<3 Leigh
post the paypal link so we can donate!
Miss ya!
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